
2008-08-05 5:13 am
1. 我聽個fd講,每日做4set,每set 12下,佢係讀呢一方面既,

2. 係個姿勢既問題,想知係邊度會有得睇個動作點做(希望有片可睇),

3. 係咪唔應該連續兩日做埋同一個動作(練同一組肌肉)?

重有就係....想問如果練手腕應該用幾多g既啞鈴? 我用12g右手就勉強ok,左手唔係好得...

回答 (2)

2008-08-05 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我聽個fd講,每日做4set,每set 12下,佢係讀呢一方面既,
You shouldn't do weight training everyday, your muscle need rest, you should have 2 days rest in between the exercise.
Check on the http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/workout.htm#2
They can help you with your training program.

2. 係個姿勢既問題,想知係邊度會有得睇個動作點做(希望有片可睇),
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/exercises.htm have details for your exercise.

3. 係咪唔應該連續兩日做埋同一個動作(練同一組肌肉)?
Most bodybuilders or trainers will tell you that, muscle need rest and exercise to grow, 唔應該連續兩日做練同一組肌肉, you are just wasting your time.
This is very common, try to use lighter weight at first, your left hand will get stronger.
Depends on your target, many bodybuilders have minimum cardio exercise, they focus on weight training/building muscle, only before the competition then they will increase cardio exercise to burn more fat, then they can show off their muscle on stage.
Only exercise is not enough, diet is also play an important part. Low fat, low sodium, low sugar, high fiber and high protein diet will help you build up some muscle. Don't over eat, but never let yourslef go hungry either.
If you need some protein supplyment before/or after exercise, try whey protein shake, soy milk has female homone, especially if you are a male, you don't want any extra female homone in your body.
2008-08-05 6:16 am
健身(gym)一星期(一三五),隔日做比較理想更收效。唔建議你一星期做足6日,這令肌肉無充分時間休息和吸收養分而生長壯大的。其間可以配合多做「30分鐘以上的帶氧運動」,如緩步跑或游泳,兩三月就會慢慢開始收效啦。健身休息真正的意思係讓肌肉休息,不要再過多操練運動,需要靜態休息就可以,當然包括睡眠。至於運動醫學說的情形,因為運動後細胞內的葡萄糖會大量消耗,不足時才由肝醣來分解補充,細胞也特別,需要吸收熱量,如果在此時吃東西的話吸收效果當然會加速,所以要更多蛋白質養分來增長。因為剛剛運動完,生理機能很急迫的需要養分補助,所以只要食物一吃下去或喝豆漿,飲高蛋白質奶粉,d養分很快的就被吸收,這也就是有些人相要緞練運動來增肌了。你的所有問題,可見下解:健身訓練安排(增大肌肉塊的14大秘訣)http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7007082101324Cross Training「交叉訓練」http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007030600879用啞呤來練胸肌應該點練http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007012304091
參考: 運動醫學&gym友友

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