Pls anwer

2008-08-05 4:25 am
1.Don't judge a man ( by, with, on, from, over ) his appearance only.

2.I'm leaving now. you must make ( down, over, with, at, up, ) your mind at



回答 (4)

2008-08-11 9:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Don't judge a man [by] his appearance only.

2.I'm leaving now. you must make [up] your mind at once.
(to make up somebody's mind = to decide)

[by] 於中文有很多意思, 在這裡, 它的意思是 [通過某種方式].
'Don't judge a man by his appearance only.' 即 '不要單憑外表 ( /通過外表這種方式) 去判斷一個人.'

至於 Answer 002 中提及的 [Don't judge a book by its cover], 直譯是 [不要憑一本書的封面去評定 /判斷它.] 這是一句諺語(proverb), 於英文可作暗喻 (metaphor - 隱喻(一種修辭法)), 用來比喻 '不要單憑外表去判斷一個人', 意思跟你的句子 'Don't judge a man by his appearance only.' 完全無分別, 只不過你的句子是把喻體直接說出來而已 (it tells the literal meaning).

題外話: 跟中文一樣, 於英文作文中用暗喻文筆會相對漂亮很多, 亦需要較高的寫作技巧, 所以會比直接寫出喻體高分得多. 而在閱讀理解中, 多用暗喻的文章會較難懂.

2008-08-15 8:57 pm
004 does bring out the hidden meaning of the sentence [Don't judge a book by its cover], it is well-interpreted. Good job!
2008-08-05 8:41 am
Don't judge a man ( BY) his appearance only.

Have you ever heard a saying' don't judge a book by it's cover'?
2008-08-05 4:41 am
1. judge...from...
2. make up your mind
參考: 自己

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