Breaking Dawn 在香港幾時出?

2008-08-05 1:45 am
我想問Stephanie Meyer個Twilight series的Breaking Dawn在香港幾時出?
我知道美國8月2號就出左. 但香港e+都未出.
所以想知幾時出. 好心急

回答 (3)

2008-08-07 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
我只知道英國係4/8出左,價錢係 6.99 磅 (即HK$105 左右)
我估香港至少要等多一個月(EVEN 幾個?) 先會出。

*我都係LEE套書的終極FANS呢! TWILIGHT THE MOVIE 會係 12/12 係戲院上畫喔~ 等唔切喇!!! (
參考: me
2008-08-15 9:24 pm
I saw it in Commercial Press yesterday(14/8)! But it is in paper back.
2008-08-15 12:46 am
Dymocks has already got it but they are paperback, and the bookstore says the hard covers are coming soon. Go to see the addresses !!!

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