請問: 英國女皇係姓乜野架 ? 你唔好話比我聽: 佢姓 伊利莎伯 !

2008-08-05 1:33 am
請 問:
英國女皇係姓乜野架 ?
你唔好話比我聽: 佢姓 伊利莎伯 !

回答 (4)

2008-08-05 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
雖然英國皇室而家係Mountbatten-Windsor皇室,但Queen Elizabeth II確實係姓Windsor而非Mountbatten-Windsor。
Queen Elizabeth II全名係Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (作爲一位有頭銜的皇室,正常狀態下係不會將姓Windsor寫出)。

1917年英國皇室鑒于與德國交戰中,將原先的稱號Saxe-Coburg and Gotha王室更名為Windsor王室,原先的姓從Wettin(Wettin來自於維多利亞女皇發起的調查)更改為Windsor。

Mountbatten原來叫Battenberg,可以追溯到1851年黑森大公(Grand Duke Louis III of Hesse)封弟弟(Prince Alexander of Hesse)的妻子為Battenberg女伯爵,長子Louis前往英國加入RN,在一戰前做到海軍上將第一海務大臣一職。長女Alice嫁與Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark,Alice最年少的兒子就係王夫菲利浦。
Battenberg家族1917年同樣由於對德戰爭更改了家族姓氏(由於戰爭,Louis Battenberg甚至主動辭去第一海務大臣一職避免影響英國參戰),更改為Mountbatten。

根據規定,Queen Elizabeth II同Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh的後代會採用Mountbatten-Windsor的姓氏。目前仍然是溫莎王朝,當威爾士親王查爾斯登基為英國國王時,先至叫蒙巴頓-溫莎王朝。

2008-08-04 23:04:20 補充:

2008-08-04 23:06:28 補充:

2008-08-07 08:53:38 補充:
As a titled royal, Her Majesty holds no surname, but, when one is used, it is Windsor.
2008-08-06 5:55 pm
Mountbatten-Windsor is the personal surname of some of the descendants of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh under an ambiguously-worded Order-in-Council issued in 1960.
It differs from the official name of the British Royal Family or Royal House, which remains Windsor. The adoption of this surname does not apply to members of the Royal Family who are not descended from The Queen. The Order specifically applies the surname to those descendants of the Queen not holding Royal styles and titles but it has been applied to or informally used by members of the Royal Family descended from Queen Elizabeth II as their surname, as shown at the marriages of the Duke of York and the Princess Royal, both having been registered with Mountbatten-Windsor in their entries in the marriage registers.

History of the Mountbatten surname

A Good riddance
The King has done a popular act in abolishing the German titles held by members of His Majesty's family.

Cartoon from Punch magazine Vol. 152, June 27, 1917, noting the change in the UK Royal Family's change of name to Windsor
The Mountbatten surname derives from the German town of Battenberg, in Hesse. Prince Louis of Battenberg changed his surname to Mountbatten (its literal English translation) during the First World War at the request of King George V. When then-Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark took British citizenship, he used this surname since he descends from the Mountbatten family through his mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg. It also might be seen as honouring the British Admiral of the Fleet Earl Mountbatten of Burma, the Prince’s uncle.
2008-08-05 3:27 am
英國皇室的姓氏是 Mountbatten-Windsor

這姓氏是英女皇伊利莎白二世於 1960 年頒佈法令而創立的. 英國現時為溫莎皇朝 (Dynasty of Windsor) 英女皇的姓氏是 Windsor. 英女皇與希臘王子於 1947 年結婚, 當時英女皇還是伊利莎白公主... 希臘王子取了他舅父的姓氏蒙巴頓 Mountbatten 為自己的姓氏
1953 年英皇喬治六世逝世, 伊利莎白公主繼位, 是為伊利莎白二世. 問題便出來了.
英國習慣和中國一樣. 子女姓氏是跟據父親而定的. 因此菲臘親王, 即蒙巴頓公爵, 英女皇之夫婿, 提出將來他的子女繼位後, 英國王室便應改稱蒙巴頓王朝. 溫莎皇朝便告終結了. 但當時太皇太后大力反對. 故英女皇於 1960 年頒令, 她的子女以 Mountbatten-Windsor 為姓氏, 溫莎皇朝的名號保持不變.
2008-08-05 1:41 am
Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary)

Elizabeth(伊利莎伯) : First name

Alexandra(阿力山德拉) : Middle name

Mary(瑪麗) : Last name

*英國人通常只叫人First and last name但係佢係女王,所以D人唔叫佢全名但叫佢Elizabeth II(伊利莎伯二世)

2008-08-04 17:42:46 補充:
Basly ''Mary'' is what we called ''姓''

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