關於Medical Physics?

2008-08-05 12:11 am
1.除了加入醫管局進行on the job training外,還有甚麼途徑可以成為Medical Physicist?
2. Medical Physics在香港以及國外的發展如何?
3.如果在外國修讀Medical Physics的Master對回港及外地就業幫助如何?

回答 (1)

2008-08-05 4:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.除了加入醫管局進行on the job training外,還有甚麼途徑可以成為Medical Physicist?

There are a number of private hospitals in Hong Kong that employ medical physicists. To become a medical physicist, you need to have a strong physics background.

2. Medical Physics在香港以及國外的發展如何?

With the advancement of new technologies, such as PET scan, MRI, IMRT, and even proton therapy, the requirement for medical physicists is growing. New hospitals have to be established to cope with the rapidly expanding population.

3.如果在外國修讀Medical Physics的Master對回港及外地就業幫助如何?

This depends very much on the prevailing market situation. Failing to obtain a job in hospital, a medical physics degree could also enable you to have advantage in seeking jobs as [health physicist] in the government.


Universities in the UK offer good Master Degree curriculum in medical physics. You may consider courses run by colleges of the London University, e.g. Queen Mary College, but courses offered by other UK universities are equally good.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:55:06
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