微波炉可否殺菌 - 微波可否殺菌

2008-08-04 10:06 pm

微波可否殺菌 ?


回答 (3)

2008-08-04 11:38 pm
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微波是電磁波的一種,波長範圍在 1 mm 到 1 m 之間,國際上規定家用微波爐的微波波長為 122 mm,對應頻率為 2450MHz,選擇這個波長,主要是為了避免干擾通訊電波。為甚麼微波爐產生的微波能快速加熱食品呢?原來微波能容易穿透絕緣物體,但遇到有水份的食物便會使水分子和它一起以相同的頻率振蕩,振簜中分子與分子互相摩擦,從而產生熱量。微波爐產生的微波功率較大,一般從600 W到2000W之間。水分子在微波中每秒振蕩24.5億次,這種振蕩幾乎是在食物的內外各部分同時發生,因此波加熱的食品能夠在很短的時間內,把整份食物煮熟。

2008-08-06 02:00:21 補充:
微波殺菌要有三個階段。第一階段是迅速升溫,達到預定殺菌溫度,此段宜用較強的 ... 它在微波作用下,其極性取向隨著外電磁場的變化而變化,915MHz的微波可使水分子每 ...

可消毒奶瓶(不限口徑).杯子.碗.盤子之類,在幾分鐘內完成消毒,加入100c.c.水,並不須購買化學藥品或其他消毒用品,即可有效殺死細菌,是醫院使用之衛生消毒方法。 ...
2008-08-05 4:41 am
Sterilization(殺菌) is different from cooking of food.
Sterilization generally means killing of germs and bacteria without having the food cooked. For example, strilization of fresh milk, raw meat, dehydrated food... etc. After strilization, the meat still remains raw.

Microwave alone cannot kill germs. The energy of microwave photon is only 0.00001 eV (as compared with ~3 eV for ultraviolet and 1 MeV for Cobalt-60 gamma rays), which is too low to cause any damage to germ cells.

It is only that when the food is heated up by microwave, the heat that produced kills the germs.
2008-08-04 10:29 pm
微波不可以殺菌, 微波炉加熱食物會殺菌

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