Harry Potter

2008-08-04 7:09 pm
2.在Harry Potter 6-混血王子的背叛中阿不思。博知維。巫服利。布萊思。鄧不利多有冇死到?
3.在Harry Potter 7-死神的聖物中妙麗係唔係為左救榮恩所以死左?
*Harry Potter 7-死神的聖物的部份劇情

回答 (3)

2008-08-05 8:02 am
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2.在Harry Potter 6-混血王子的背叛中



3.在Harry Potter 7-死神的聖物中妙麗係唔係為左救榮恩所以死左?

妙麗同榮恩都冇死到 (唔明你要加咩圖片?@@)

參考: 我係hp迷*
2008-08-05 10:41 pm
1. Sirius Black is dead. It's just Harry imagining he was still alive in the end of Book 5, but he knows he's dead.
2. Dumbledore is dead, but he still have a drawing of him which can talk and communicate with Harry. And he talked to Harry in the King's Cross Train station spritually.
3. Hermione didn't die for saving Ron, instead, Fred died in the battle between the Death Eaters and Hogwart's protectors.

Harry. Ron and Hermione went back to Hogwarts to find the last missing Horcrux: Ravenclaw's diadem. They met Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother and knew from everything about Dumbledore's early life. They also saw the old DA members and fought against the Death Eaters. Percy went back and apologize for his previous behaviour. Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Colin Creevey died during the battle.

2008-08-05 14:42:03 補充:
They destroyed the Hufflepuff's goblet and Crabbe used the Fiendfyre which destroyed the diadem and killed himself. Harry saved Malfoy and Goyle from the great fire by using broomsticks. Harry went to the Whooping Willow and found Snape dying. Before he died, Snape gave Harry his memory.

2008-08-05 14:42:43 補充:
Harry discovered from Snape's memory that Sanpe had loved his mother since they were child and Harry was Voldemort's last horcrux. He opened the Snitch which Dumbledore left him and used the Resurrection Stone, which he brought back his parents, Lupin and Sirius for a while.

2008-08-05 14:43:28 補充:
He faced Voldemort and he found himself in the King's Cross train station, which was more cleaner and deserted. He discussed with Dumbledore who told him many things about the Deathly Hollows. He woke up and pretended to be dead.

2008-08-05 14:43:41 補充:
He used his Invisible Cloak just in time and disappeared. The Death Eaters and Hogwart protectors fought again. Molly Weasley killed Beatrix in the fighting and Voldemort tried to kill her. Harry used a shield spell to protect her and appeared again.

2008-08-05 14:43:54 補充:
He circled with Voldemort and Voldemort cast a killing curse while Harry used a Disarm spell and Voldemort killed himself. Then, all Death Eaters were defeated, escaped or killed. Everything was back to normal and he found Ron and Hermione.

2008-08-05 14:44:10 補充:
They went into the Principle's office and talked to Dumbledore's drawing. Harry decided to keep the Invisible CLoak, but to return the Elder Wand to Dumbledore's tomb. He also decided to leave the Resurrection Stone missing.

2008-08-05 14:44:15 補充:
At the end, Harry married to Ginny, Ron married to Hermione, and Harry had three children, James, Albus and Lily, in the memory of his parents and Albus Dumbledore.The book ended, " And all was well."
參考: myself la of course!
2008-08-05 2:42 am
參考: harry potter7

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