急...離職啟示的格式 THANKS....

2008-08-04 5:09 pm

回答 (4)

2008-08-09 4:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
離 職 啟 事   
X X X 君 前 為 本 公 司 X X 經 理 , 已 於 X X X X 年 X 月 X 日 離 任 , 今 後 X X X 君 在 外 之 一 切 華 洋 轇 轕 , 概 與 本 公 司 無 涉 , 特 此 聲 明 。

X X 有 限 公 司 謹 啟
X X X X年 X 月 X 日
Notice of Staff Leaving
Notice is hereby given that X X X, the former X X manager of our company X X Group, Hong Kong, has left our company with effect from x x January x x x x.
On that date and thereafter, he has no any further authority to represent and or to act on our behalf for any transactions whatsoever, and we will not be responsible or liable for any of his acts and activities since then.
Dated the x x day of December x x x x.
ABC Group,
Hong Kong
2009-01-11 8:34 pm
2008-08-11 7:07 pm
Thanks so much......!
2008-08-08 7:09 pm

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