Can you remember your ex girlfriend's or boyfriend's,?

2008-08-03 3:07 pm
Star sign
I cant
Thanks for any answers

回答 (59)

2008-08-03 3:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hell I cant remember some of thier names
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
I have only dated two guys both of them are assholes.
參考: sagittarius
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Didn't even know it when I dated her. What is a star sign?
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
Yes! All the Women I have been with were Special; Unfortunatly idiots like me don't know what they have till its gone!
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
I can. I have only had one girlfriend and I am still with her. We are very much so in love and I plan to marry her one day.
2008-08-03 3:09 pm

Taurus the bull (it fit).


Virgo (smart so it fit).
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
yeah Capricorn ..
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
wow, it's been awhile. No I dont remember.
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Not me,.. that was so long ago.
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
yes aries
2016-10-13 2:31 pm
nicely jealousy is organic, yet i extremely would not end it. I definitely think of there is not something incorrect approximately protecting in touch with an ex, basically as a results of fact your broken up does not advise you nevertheless cant communicate. and because it fairly is extra effective than one ex, i doubt it may desire to be cheating. If she is with you, then she could desire to work out something in you. basically be open together with her, even nonetheless i would not be to open and tell her which you have been snooping around, that could desire to backfire.
2008-08-03 4:54 pm
Yep, Pieces! sorry, misread question, thought you meant current partners!
2008-08-03 3:36 pm
Yes I most certainly can.
2008-08-03 3:35 pm
yep gemini
2008-08-03 3:29 pm
It should not be remembered because thats already a bad past thats why it's called exGF,you'll ask me not that bad? so if not that bad why did you broked up with him/her!!! thats it because you two don't love each other anymore, thats bad right? so you should move on! for that you should forget him/her

My answer NO!!
you too!!!! its good for you you've totally move on!!!
2008-08-03 3:23 pm
yes I can but perhaps once its over people forget because it's unwanted useless information.
2008-08-03 3:17 pm
Taurus - me

I only remember the one that made an impact in my life.

Chris- Capricorn

My present boyfriend is a Cancer (= we get along awesome.
2008-08-03 3:14 pm
No I cannot.
2008-08-03 3:14 pm

aaron-libra-was him with for 3 yrs.
caliabe-libra-cheated on ma
brett-scorpio-lyk me! lolz
bret-gemini-a diff guy
jake-gemini-brets twin-current bf

*~Julios nos wat ya want~*
參考: i'm still gewd friends wit sum...nd i lyk libras! lolz! mi current bf is a gemini tho....lolz
2008-08-03 3:14 pm
He was Scorpio like me.
2008-08-03 3:13 pm
No, can't remember.
2008-08-03 3:13 pm
Leo, Cancer, & 2 Gemini's.

2008-08-03 3:13 pm
i remember the last one's
2008-08-03 3:12 pm
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
yes, i can... as i am good at remembering dates and peoples' birthdays and anniversaries!!! so if i know the date, i will know their sun sign as well!!! also, i have a keen interest in horoscopes!!! so it does not take me much effort in remembering someone's sun sign, even if it has to be my ex - boyfriend's!!!
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
some of my boyfriends only lastest a day or two so i didn't even no when there birthdays was
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
yea her star sign is scorpio
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
Pisces.Hard to forget cos he was born in March,along with about 10 friends and family members
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
Some of them others I try not to remember at all not even their names ;)
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
Only one boyfriend,the love of my life,a Leo same as me
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
no, I can barely remember all of their names, lol, Is that bad?
2008-08-03 3:11 pm
Well, I only have had four boyfriends, and only one of those relationships were really serious.

In order...
Josh- Taurus
Antwan- Capricorn
Devon- Pisces
...And then Devon again.

And I'm an Aries.
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
Nope!! But i can remember his name!!!
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
Yes I can
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
capricorn like mine
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
Yes I can...
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
Yes i can remember all of them.
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
No, because I never had a boyfriend.
2008-08-03 3:10 pm
i cant even remember his birthday :( sorry
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Yes it was erm nope i can't, thought i could :)
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
i don't even know mine
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
LOL @ bumble!
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
no way why bother there in the past!
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
nope i dont know
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
yeah, pisces.
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Nope - i know the dates.
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Hell Yeah!!!
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
ohhhhh yeah... I remember all of them !
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
I can remember them all, just because I haven't had many.
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Yeah most of them....

Aquarius, Leo, and Libra, those were the important ones anyway.....

2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Gemini, was my last one's starsign. Can't remember any others
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
Yes I can......
2008-08-03 3:09 pm
if u remember the birthday, it should be possible
2008-08-03 3:12 pm
No offence but what a stupid question. I bet you were really bored when you cam up withnthat one. Me personaly... no I can't.

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