
2008-08-04 7:41 am
1.In a secondary school , there are 30 classes. For 26classes of them,there are 40 students in each class. For the remaining 4 classs , there are 30 students in each class.
(a)How many students are there in the school?
(b)If all students are evenly grouped under four houses , how many students are there in each house?

Below is a menu of restaurant:
Super pizza $90/piece
Chicken spaghetti $48/dish
Soft drink $18/L

(a)The food ordered is not enough after Linda has joined them. And thus, one more dish of chicken spaghetti and 2 L of soft drink are ordered. If four of them share the bill eually, how much should each of them pay now?


回答 (2)

2008-08-04 8:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 一所中學有30班。其中26班,每班各有40名學生。其餘4班,每班各有30名學生。a) 這校共有學生多少? b) 假如所有學生平均分入四間屋,每間屋有學生多少?
2. 以下是一家餐廳的餐牌:- 超級簿餅$90(每個) - 雞意粉$48(每碟) - 汽水$18(每公升)
a) Linda 加入後,食物不夠。因此,他們多叫一碟雞意粉和兩公升汽水。假如四人平分帳單,每人須付多少元?
2008-08-04 8:06 am
1.In a secondary school , there are 30 classes. For 26classes of them,there are 40 students in each class. For the remaining 4 classs , there are 30 students in each class.某一間中學入面全校一共有30班. 其中26班, 每班有40人. 其餘的4班, 每班有30人
(a)How many students are there in the school? 究竟有幾多人係這間學校裏呢?
(b)If all students are evenly grouped under four houses , how many students are there in each house? 如果將全校的總人數平分係4間房子入面, 每個房子有多少人呢?

Below is a menu of restaurant: 以下是一間餐廳的餐牌
Super pizza $90/piece 超級薄餅 $90一個
Chicken spaghetti $48/dish 雞肉意粉$48一份
Soft drink $18/L 汽水$18 一公升

(a)The food ordered is not enough after Linda has joined them. And thus, one more dish of chicken spaghetti and 2 L of soft drink are ordered. If four of them share the bill eually, how much should each of them pay now? 蓮達叫咗以上野食之後, 發現叫得唔夠. 因此, 她又叫多一份雞肉意粉, 和2公升汽水. 如果4個人平份結賬, 每人夠竟要俾幾多錢呢?

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