
2008-08-04 3:05 am
On the sunny morning of 26 DECEMBER, 2004, children were playing onbeaches, mothers were cooking and tourists were sun bathing when one of the strongest earthquakes in history ripped open the ocean floor and created a tsunami. Hundreds of thousands of people died when the wave struck. A third was children.

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On the sunny morning of 26 DECEMBER, 2004, children were playing onbeaches, mothers were cooking and tourists were sun bathing when one of the strongest earthquakes in history ripped open the ocean floor and created a tsunami. Hundreds of thousands of people died when the wave struck. A third was children.
2004年12月26日, 在陽光普照的早上, 當其中一個在史上最強的地震撕開海洋的地面, 引致一個海嘯的發生時, 那刻兒童們正在沙灘上玩耍, 母親們正在做飯, 及遊客正在曬太陽。成千上萬的人死於海浪的沖擊中。遇難者中, 其中的三分之一是兒童。
參考: 自己
2008-08-08 3:16 am
在2004 年12月26 日, 孩子的晴朗的早晨演奏onbeaches, 母親烹調並且遊人是太陽沐浴當最強的地震的當中一個在歷史上被剝去打開海底和創造了海嘯。成千上萬的人民死了當波浪碰撞。三是孩子。
參考: Yahoo! 聰明筆
2008-08-05 12:48 am
On the sunny morning of 26 DECEMBER, 2004, children were playing onbeaches, mothers were cooking and tourists were sun bathing when one of the strongest earthquakes in history ripped open the ocean floor and created a tsunami. Hundreds of thousands of people died when the wave struck. A third was children.

2004年12月26日, 在陽光普照的早上, 當其中一個在史上最強的地震撕開海洋的地面, 引致一個海嘯的發生時, 那刻兒童們正在沙灘上玩耍, 母親們正在做飯, 及遊客正在曬太陽。成千上萬的人死於海浪的沖擊中。遇難者中, 其中的三分之一是兒童。

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