20點 MATHS 暑期作業 ( 超難 ) ................唔 識 做 呀 ! ! ! THX~

2008-08-03 9:28 pm
1. Find the values of a and b such that in the expansion of (x+a)(x+b) , the
coefficient of the x term is a postitive number and the consant term is a
negative number.

2.Find two possible 3-digit denary numbers such that each of them can be
converted into a 8-digit binary number and a 2-digit hexadecimal number.

3.Find two possible binary numbers which are divisible by both 6 and 8 when they are converted into denary numbers.

4.How can we estimate the total number of residents of a builing? Write down the method.

5.Is it possible to find out the exact number of students in all the primary and
secondary schools in Hong Kong ? Explain it briefly.

6.Without using any measuring tools , estimate the height of the building you
are living , and write down the method used.



如果知道其中一條ge答案 . 都可以回答嫁.......... 總之 . 盡量答啦.........


唔該幫下手呀!!! 趕著交功課嫁//////

回答 (1)

2008-08-10 9:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3. 2410=110002

4. count the number of residents in one floor×the number of floors
of the building.


2008-08-10 13:18:01 補充:
3. 24(10)=11000(2)
參考: myself

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