which is the best foundation and base is the best ?

2008-08-03 9:01 pm
does any1 know which brand of foundation and base is the best ? I really wanna know :(
but nature and make the skin smooth way

also I heard it said about Armani Face Fabric is it foundation or just base if any1 used b4 ?

P.S write in cantonese better thanks

回答 (1)

2008-08-04 5:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Armani face fabric係tinted moisturizer,唔算係粉底, 遮瑕度低,不過有均衡膚色既作用.個人認為幾好,因為我唔中意上粉底,呢隻就方便d同埋natural d.佢質地好smooth架,上完好滑,matte finish.不過唔太控油.呢隻亦可以當base用架.

保濕黎講, 好似laura mercier既foundation primer同埋napoleon perdis既primer都係好好,上完個妝會貼d同埋last耐d.

調色的話,可以試上面講過既face fabric,同埋sofina既調色base,十分爽.或者想潤d的話biotherm都有出呢一類既base

填平毛孔,好似model co 佢既透明base可以填補細紋同毛孔,連嘴同眼位都搽得.個嘴搽完仲會覺得飽滿左.雖然唔算控油,不過都十分推薦.另外sofina都有隻係專for毛孔既base,可以參考下.

另外我覺得estee lauder既double wear都唔錯,staying power超好,控油防水.不過妝感較重,亦即係遮瑕度高d,可能唔適合中意自然既人,所以我唔係日日用.
參考: me

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