coordinate geometry

2008-08-03 5:08 pm
four point A(1,2),B(7,-5),C(-2,-10),D(-9,-1) are given

E is another point in the coordinate plane so that ABCE is a parallelogram.
(i) Find the mid point ofAC. Hence find the coordinates of E.

(ii) If another point F is added so that ACDF form another parallelogram. Find the coordinates of F.

回答 (1)

2008-08-03 5:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(i) mid-pt of AC

mid-pt of BE=mid-pt of AC
let the coor of E be (x,y)
(x 7)/2=-0.5

so E=(-8,-3)

(ii) mid -pt of AD

mid-pt of AD=mid-pt of CF
let the coor of F be (p,q)

so F =(-6,11)
參考: me

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