Front or Back Door - what should I do?

2008-08-02 1:10 pm
I have been with my boyfriend for 4 weeks and he is coming round tonight but he has asked if he can use the back door to come in - I usually only let people I know really well in the back way and all others the front door - should I let him come in the front or back way when he calls round tonight?

Lmao I wish I could give you all thumbs up :( Great advice....thank you ;)

回答 (18)

2008-08-02 3:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Use the one with the cat flap

The back door needs oiling

: )

2008-08-02 1:14 pm
try both doors
2008-08-02 1:18 pm
front door because it kinda hurts with the back door and you don't know him like THAT maybe he should use the front then" unlock" the back
2008-08-02 1:14 pm
back door, because it hurts more
2008-08-02 1:23 pm
If you feel casual enough with him to let him in the back door, I say whatever doorbell chimes loudest for you...
may be not a great idea to go up to the balcony right after that...
2008-08-02 1:18 pm
If your having that much trouble to make up your own mind flip a coin. Asking strangers who know practically nothing about you can't tell you what you want.
2008-08-02 1:15 pm
LMAO, I can't even tell if your talking about YOUR back door or the house's back door =P
2016-11-15 2:03 pm
i've got used the two doorways earlier{ only a pair of cases}...yet I decide to apply the front door..lots much less complicated getting your self in the front door then attempting to get in the lower back door lol..extra time for the relaxing and yummy bar drinks: ) Kiss Kiss top lower back atcha babe muah!
2008-08-04 11:38 am
Use the front door first to get warmed up, then tell him to go outside, get some lube, and come back in through the back door.
2008-08-02 2:49 pm
You should let him in the back but make sure he pays the front some attention too...x
2008-08-02 2:24 pm
use the front door as normal but try the backdoor but use plenty of lube and you will enjoy it
2008-08-02 1:54 pm
Stick a note on the front door, stating:
The front door is at the back of the house and the back door is at the front. If you want to use this door you enter through the back door. Back door or front door you still are requested to wipe the dirt off your shoes before you enter. Should you prefer to use the other entrance to the house, be prepared there is a menacing dog.
參考: my overheated muddled brain
2008-08-02 1:20 pm
which ever doos bangs the loudest, just to let your neighbours know you are home. Using a handle reduces the noise of it banging
2008-08-02 1:18 pm
Yeah 2Fyn2define... Lol!!
2008-08-02 1:15 pm
Well you could always use a window to spice things up a bit.
2008-08-02 1:17 pm
Back door because it hurts more, what kind of answer is that weirdo. Slip him in round the back way love unless the back passage is a bit stinky and you don't want him to find out.
2008-08-02 1:15 pm
back door hehe
2008-08-02 1:14 pm

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