
2008-08-03 4:44 am
佢會唔會不停地Sell 你野架???

回答 (3)

2008-08-03 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, I am a client of Dermes. First, the removal treatment in Dermes is really can last forever.

Do once, can reduce many hairs already, but you still have to do several times.
How many times is depends on different people. Noramlly, two months a time.

But do not worry, if 4 times is not enough for you, they will not ask for more money.
One price is included 4 times and as many times as you need for the following whole year for making sure all hairs are cleared.

They will confirm you one day before each treatment and check whether you are comfortable after each treatment. They are really providing wonderful service.

They will not sell you. Every treatment time is treatment time, but no promotion time. And they will give you some expensive brand samples, their sister company's free trial and birthday gift.

If you join directly, it will cost about $20,000....if you join through me, the price could be about $10,750 and free lip removal given. if you are student, it will be far more cheaper.

Even you are not going to join me, you are still very welcome to ask me for further information.
[email protected]

Hope i could ask all of your questions^^~
參考: my experience
2008-08-03 8:27 am
我係Dermes做緊激光脫毛架, 我覺得真係work架, 而且佢唔會不停咁sell你, 最近佢地仲拎埋hkma 金獎架, 有信心保證~

如果你想再知多d, 可以send email俾我架, 我可以再詳細講你知, 亦都可以send個price list俾你~

MY EMAIL: [email protected]
參考: 自己經驗啊~
2008-08-03 5:17 am
用脫毛膏or脫毛臘好痛架, 又傷皮膚又貴,
我介紹你用脫面毛唇毛棒同埋除毛盤啦, 又平又好用, 台灣日本勁 hit
再唔係都可睇下法國原料制成的脫毛膏呀 都好好用的
使用簡單方便,不痛不癢, 不油膩 亦不刺鼻, 只要幾分鐘便能使肌膚光滑潔白,
而精華成份更能使毛髮纖維變細, 變薄,延長生長,進而達致永久脫毛的效果
有問題可以問返我呢 =]

我係嘉嘉的長期客戶黎架, 同佢好熟, 若果您話我介紹,
就可以多送您一包超好用的紅酒調理霜, 又黎保濕除死皮架,
您可以 email 佢話係 BYC 介紹, 有紅酒調理霜可送,
就可以了, 有乜問題都可以 msn 我, 我msn [email protected]

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