在哈利波特中飾演榮恩的是否Willam Moseley

2008-08-03 3:02 am
在哈利波特中飾演榮恩的是否Willam Moseley

回答 (4)

2008-08-04 11:32 am
飾演榮恩既係Rupert Grint.
在The Chronicles of Narnia飾演Edmund既係skandar keynes
William Moseley係飾演大哥peter的.
2008-08-04 5:50 am
在Harry Potter飾演榮恩係Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint.
在The Chronicles of Narnia飾演Edmund才是William Moseley.

2008-08-07 19:29:59 補充:
對唔住,William Moseley在The Chronicles of Narnia飾演Peter
參考: myself, 下面
2008-08-04 4:46 am
The answer is NO, 在哈利波特中飾演榮恩的是 Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint. You can find more about him if you goto his own website: www.rupertgrint.net

born August 24, 1988, in Walton-at-Stone, Herfordshire, England; son of Nigel (a memorabilia dealer) and Jo (a housewife)Grint.

Height 5' 10" (1.78 m)

Addresses: Agent: Special Artists Agency, 9465 Wilshire Blvd.,Suite 890, Beverly Hills, CA 90212;

Actual Management Company, 7 Great Russell St., London WC1B 3NH, England.

Hope this information can help you.
參考: me, in england
2008-08-03 3:10 am
不是,哈利波特中飾演榮恩的是魯伯特·葛林(Rupert Grint)

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