AL Retake Bio 定Chem 好?

2008-08-03 1:39 am
我今年AL chem有d bio得e
邊一科升grade 的機會大d?

回答 (2)

2008-08-03 6:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think bio is easier than chem,
jus remember points then it's ok,
and chem = calculation and thinking, so it should be harder
but because you have higher grade for chem,
which one do you like more?
chem or bio?
which one do you find easier?
if you think chem is easier and you understand it,
then take chem, (because it is different for every one, really depends on you)
2008-08-04 2:14 am
for your case, you may choose biology

the competition in AL chemistry is tough as more people take chemistry. It is no surprise
that you will still get a D in chem next year.

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