
2008-08-02 9:22 pm




宗教:越南宗教信仰自由,大部分人民信仰佛教,約佔全國宗教人口 53 %,天主教 40 %;道教 6 %(道教包括二大教派:西寧省之高台教、安江省之和好教);另有少數基督教徒及回教徒約佔 1 %。

水運:目前越南有四大國際貿易港口(一)西貢港:為越南最大港口(二)海防港:為北部最大港口(三) 峴港(Da Nang)︰為中部第一大港(四)頭頓港(Vung Tau)︰位處胡志明市之南,為胡志明市之外港。內陸水運長 7,000 公里,以湄公河及紅河為主。







回答 (2)

2008-08-02 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Geographical environment: Vietnam lies in the east of the middle and southern peninsula, the south sea of China of east bank, adjoins Laos (1555 kilometers of border) in the west With Kampuchea ' 982 kilometers) ,The north with China's Mainland ' Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan) Boarded by ' 1463 kilometers) ,The south and Malaysia face each other across the sea, the national the whole area is 329,600 sq. km., occupies the 58th place in the world (about 9.3 times of Taiwan) ,Among them the mountain region accounts for 3/4 of the whole area, about 6,600 sq. km. of coverage of water area, the total length of border of land is 3,818 kilometers, the coastline is 3,260 -km-long. The whole topography presents the narrow and long type, can be divided into three physical geography districts: Northern delta, middle part plateau and southern Mekong Delta of Red River.

Climate: Vietnam is the tropical monsoon climate, the south is warm perennially, divide the universe season and rainy season separately, the temperature on average is invited above 25 degrees Centigrade; It is cool in hot winter of summer in the north, there is a nip in the air slightly from every November to February of next year, similar to Pingdong, Kaohsjung. The annual rainfall is more than 1,500 millimetres on average, humidity, about 80%, typhoon and floods during July occasionally.

Vietnam about 82,680,000 people more ' 2004) , occupy the 13th place in the world, rate of increase 1.3%, estimate, up to 100 million people 2024 in advance.

Language: Vietnamese, slightly coherent Chinese, English, French, Cantonese is also general among Chinese.

Religion: The Vietnamese freedom of religion, most people believe in Buddhism, account for national religious population 53, Catholicism 40; Taoism 6 (Taoism includes two big religious sects: Xi'ning dais of province teach, Ann river province become reconciled and teach) ; A few Christians and Moslems account for 1.

2008-08-02 13:42:17 補充:
參考: 使用Dr.eye, 續上篇回答,使用Dr.eye
2008-08-17 4:41 pm



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