
2008-08-02 8:27 pm

回答 (4)

2008-08-03 5:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
我個牙醫岩岩同上面 d 相反,一聽到我係做左通波仔 gei 冠心病人,即刻乜都唔做住,淨係寫左封醫生信比我,要我拎去醫院比我個心臟科主診醫生問問可否做脫牙手術。
個牙醫知道要停左 d 薄血丸,通血管藥先唔會流血不止。但佢唔係心臟科醫生,無權叫病人停藥,更加唔知病人要停幾耐藥先得。於是只可以交個波比心臟科醫生。
你個親戚的情況比我重複雜。如果佢換 gei 係金屬心瓣,佢成世都要食住薄血藥 WARFARIN 唔停得。否則會有血栓產生係金屬心瓣邊,令心瓣失靈,導致有生命危險。所以佢一定要向其心臟科醫生問準,先可以脫牙。
就算佢唔係換金屬心瓣,佢都應該食緊通血管藥 PLAVIX or Aspirin ,一樣要心臟科醫生計要停幾耐藥先得。
你叫貴親去問下佢個心臟科醫生先啦!或同個牙醫 講清楚佢食緊心臟科藥,睇下個牙醫有乜反應。
2008-08-03 3:45 pm
2008-08-02 8:43 pm
It should be ok ge,
but you are going to do that at a dentist right? So I think you should ask:
1. the doctor who did the surgery for you or your family doctor is also ok
2. ask the dentist
you should ask both of these person before doing it, tell them your situation.
the thing that you should worry would be that 脫牙 will mean you will lose some blood and the bleed not stopping,
but i think it is better to 脫牙 after the surgery rather than before the surgery, as you know before the surgery, your heart needs to work harder to pump blood to your body (including your mouth area).
The other problem would be whether you are taking any medicine that may increase bleeding.
2008-08-02 8:40 pm

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