Is fire a 4th state of matter?

2008-08-02 8:10 pm
the 4th state of matter is plasma. And plasma is ionised gas. When a fire is produced, combusted gas also produced along with heat and EM waves. Is fire actually a plasma? Since fire is very hot, the gas is likely to be ionized. Is the combustion temperature hot enough to ionize gas? Let's say hydrogen-oxygen combustion. Is it enough? Or, all fire is very hot ionized gas turning into gas? THanks

回答 (3)

2008-08-14 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Fire is a form of plasma. The vapourized gas in a combustion is ionized to a great extent.

As an evidence, a charged body brought near a flame will be de-ionized more rapidly than if the body remains in air. The reason is because of the ionzation from the fire plasma.
2008-08-19 8:54 pm
根本唔明咩意思就 copy and paste WIKI ,食屎啦你!

2008-08-19 13:05:18 補充:
題目問:物質的四個狀態分別是 固體、液體、氣體和 plasma (類似岩漿的意思)。我知道 Plasma 是 離子化的氣體。那麼,火是不是第四狀態物質?
answer002: 是,火是 plasma 的其中一種型式。燃燒時產生的水蒸氣會極大程度地轉化成離子。
事實上,任何帶電極的物體在置於火焰附近時,都會比置於空氣中時更為迅速地分化成正電離子及負電離子。這正是由於火焰作為一種plasma 的離子化作用。
2008-08-13 7:02 am
Fire is the heat and light energy released during a chemical reaction, in particular a combustion reaction. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities within, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity might vary. Fire in its most common form can be highly destructive in its very nature, and has the potential to kill and harm through burning. Arson, the crime of deliberately setting something alight, is one of the most common crimes world-wide.

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