中釋英...(20 marks)

2008-08-01 10:42 pm
【明報專訊】特區政府 昨日與商務部就《內地與香港關於建立更緊密經貿關係的安排》(簡稱CEPA )簽訂第五份補充協議,內容包括在17項服務領域的29項開放措施,特別重點是香港與廣東省的合作,包括加強粵港經貿聯繫的25項措施。措施容許香港旅遊業界以深圳 為試點,安排在深圳暫住1年或以上、並於民營或中外合資或外資工作的非廣東省居民組團,來港到迪士尼 樂園作定點旅遊。所有開放措施將於明年1月1日生效。

回答 (2)

2008-08-07 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
[Ming Pao Exclusive News] The government of the Special Administraive Region and the Ministry of Commerce signed the fifth subsidiary agreement regarding the "Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement" (i.e. CEPA) yesterday. Its contents include 29 measures to open up the economy in 17 service sectors. It focuses on the co-operation between HKSAR and the Guangdong Province, which includes strengthening the economic and trading ties between Guangdong and HKSAR. The measures allow the tourism industry of Hong Kong to utilize Shenzhen as an experiment by arranging non-Guangdong inhabitants, who have resided in Shenzhen temporarily for 1 year or above and who are working for state-owned entities or foreign companies or entitles jointly owned by the state and foreign bodies, to come to Hong Kong and visit Disneyland which will serve as a fixed tourist spot. All open-up measures will become effective on 1st January 2009.

2008-08-07 00:35:12 補充:
唔係ma?!特區政府=special zone government?!
2008-08-01 10:48 pm
[Ming Daily special news]
The special zone government yesterday and the department of commercial affairs (i.e. CEPA) signed the fifth subsidiary agreement on "Inland And Hong Kong about Establishment Closer Economics and trade Relations Arrangement", the content including in 17 service domain 29 open measures, the special key point was Hong Kong and Guangdong Province's cooperation, including strengthened the Guangdong port economics and trade relation 25 measures.The measure allowed the Hong Kong traveling field take Shenzhen as an experiment site, arranges to temporarily reside for 1 year in Shenzhen or above, and organizes a group in privately operated either the Chinese-foreign joint venture or the foreign capital work non-Guangdong Province inhabitant, to come the port to enlighten the gentleman Nepal paradise to make the fixed-point traveling.All opening measure will become effective in next year January 1.


2008-08-01 14:49:55 補充:

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