Simple English

2008-08-01 10:35 pm
As vain as ?

Soft as ?

As quick as ?

As patient as ?

As loud as ?

As paient as ?

As ugly as ?

Sharp as ?

Stubborn as?

回答 (3)

2008-08-02 2:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
As vain as ? – a peacock

Soft as ? - cotton

As quick as ? – a panther

As patient as ? - Job

As loud as ? – amplifier

As paient as ? – again patient ??? cannot think of another one

As ugly as ? – a ghost

Sharp as ? – a blade

Stubborn as? a mule
參考: Myself
2008-08-02 1:04 am
Should you regard those questions are simple, why don't you finish them by yourself?

2008-08-03 22:23:08 補充:
最憎啲發問者, 連自己都唔識就話 Simple
English, 既然咁易, 咁都要發問, 咪豬過豬兜?
2008-08-01 11:46 pm
i just konw some of them!! Sorry!!

As quick as tiger
as ugly as a toad
as sharp as a knife
as loud as a speaker
as soft as a pillow

I hope i can help you!!!
參考: me

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