
2008-08-01 10:06 pm

謝謝「DC」的回覆 如果用我個名, 對我會唔會構成咩影響? 例如法律或者債項或者個人方面? 因為間公司係佢的

回答 (3)

2008-08-01 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You can open a company in Hong Kong with $1 paid up captial and only 1 shareholder and 1 director. You can hold this 1 share on behalf of your friend in the form of a trust deed.
Most local CPA firms can arrange this for you.
參考: me
2008-08-02 1:47 am



2008-08-01 11:38 pm
Primarily you are liable for all the acts you made even you have an instruction to do for it under the law. So, if you are acting as a director of the limited company or acting as a sole proprietor of a firm, you are liable for all wrongful acts you performed even on the specific instruction from your friend. The outsider doesn’t have any information on this 'back' arrangement. Prima facie, you are liable but you can have the right to for action to claim back any damage, if any, from your friend as under the mutual agreement of trust or acting as an agent or attorney on behalf of your friend. It is normally a risky issue if you are also acting as a guarantor for the company's obligation e.g. bank loan etc..
You make out a trust deed for the share you held on behalf of your friend is only giving him a protection that he has the beneficial interest on the company but not for any impact or damages incurred, if any, on your performing acts upon his instruction unless a separate agreement is being made as mentioned above.

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