chem問題... 唔該啦

2008-08-01 9:53 pm
1. sodium hydroxide 同 potassium hydroxide 有咩分別?

2. hydrochloric acid 同 sulphuric acid 有咩分別?

3. sodium chloride 同 potassium sulphate 有咩分別?

回答 (1)

2008-08-01 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Don't have big different
2.Con. H2SO4 can be an oxidizing agent while HCl(aq) only have the common acid property
3.NaCl(aq) will form precipitation with Ag ion but K2SO4 will not. But K2SO4 will form precipitation with Ba ion but Nacl(aq) will not.Also, NaCl will give golden yellow flame under flame test while K2SO4 will give out lilac flame

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