
2008-08-01 9:40 pm
我想問:why did u not go to school yesterday?<呢句岩?
定why did not u go to school yesterday?<呢句岩?

仲想問:why have u not gone to school ?呢句岩?
定why have not u gone to school ? 呢句岩?

仲想問呢句中文:點解你作天不去學校去!! 把呢句作成英文點作? thx

邊一句岩 想知 002岩定003岩

回答 (5)

2008-08-02 11:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. why did u not go to school yesterday?
2. why did not u go to school yesterday?
Both questions are correct in grammar.
question (1) – a sentence pattern of putting auxiliary verb in front of subject.
question (2) – a common question form.
why have u not gone to school ?
why have not u gone to school ?
Again both questions are correct in grammar. We have to use gone because we are using present perfect tense.

點解你作天不去學校去!! :
Why didn’t you go to school yesterday ?
If this is a statement, not a question, then you can still use (!) instead of (?)
參考: Myself
2008-08-01 10:56 pm
Why did u not go to school yesterday?
>> 把助動詞(did)放了在主詞(u)前, 沒有犯錯
Why did not u go to school yesterday?
>> 帶有語病, 應寫成 Why didn't u go to school yesterday?
假設你是口述以上問題, 理應強調沒有上學這點; 因此, 問的時候要加強大寫部份:
Why did u NOT go to school yesterday? 或
Why DIDN'T u go to school yesterday?

因為是昨天發生的事情, 應該使用過去式(simple past tense)
Why have u not gone to school? 及 Why have not u gone to school?
以上兩句用了現在完成式(present perfect tense), 時態(tense)錯誤
現在完成式多用在剛完成的事件, 昨天一整天沒上學去, 就不適用

如果想問缺席的理由, 而不是責備小朋友, 可使用直述句:
Please justify/explain your absence yesterday.
Would/Can you explain yesterday's absence?
若要帶一點警告意味, 可以說成:
You better give a good excuse/reason for your absence
註: 以上的absence其實是指absence from school, 不過對象要是在學, 可以省略
2008-08-01 10:36 pm
點解你作天不去學校去!! = Why did you not go to school yesterday!!
參考: me,myself and I
2008-08-01 10:33 pm
我想問:why did u not go to school yesterday?<呢句岩?
定why did not u go to school yesterday?<呢句岩?
第二句岩" Why didnt you go to school yesterday?

仲想問:why have u not gone to school ?呢句岩?
定why have not u gone to school ? 呢句岩?
2句都錯! (要用 go, 不可用past tense, 因他根本沒有返學)

點解你作天不去學校去 = Why didnt you go to school yesterday? (如最上第二句)
參考: Own
2008-08-01 10:04 pm


點解你作天不去學校去 = why u did not go to school yesterday?

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