why don't we need to put anything after ”choose from” ?

2008-08-01 1:52 pm
we offer a wide range of plan to choose from.

回答 (4)

2008-08-02 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
We offer a wide range of plan to choose from.

在這句子中, choose from 後面不用再加其他字, o既係 , 意思和文法上都已經係完整。

或者先用另一個例子解釋下, 可能你就會有頭緒。

What do you want for dinner tonight?

在這句子中, want 後面仲有字, 唔係文法上的需要, 而係句子意思未完整, 因為如果你只係講 "What do you want?", 別人都唔知你o既意思係咩。

返o黎你原本的句子, choose from o既 object 好清楚見到係 a wide range of plan, 所以後面不需要有其他字。

類似你o既句子, 動詞後面要無字, 例子可以係

Whom are you talking about?
There are a lot of things to do.
In Ocean Park, there are a lot of amusement games to play.


如果仍然未能解答你o既問題, 請你在問題解決日之前再提出。

2008-08-02 01:51:17 補充:

在這句子中, choose from 後面不用再加其他字, (因為句子在意思上和文法上)都已經係完整。
2008-08-02 12:35 am
to 001

still not too understand .....
2008-08-01 3:49 pm
You can choose from a wide range of plans that we offer.


From 是 Preposition (前致詞),那有沒有名詞跟尾的。

又 Plans 應是眾數的。如果不是,也不須選擇了。
2008-08-01 2:00 pm
we offer a wide range of plan to choose from.

We don't need to put anything after choose from is because in english the thing that you choose is in the range of plan so that mean you choose from the plan so no need anything after choose from.
參考: me

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