係noun phrase 點解要prep+noun

2008-08-01 8:08 am
係noun phrase 點解要prep+noun

而且有d noun phrase

有"wh" word+一句野又冇verb 就係noun phrase

回答 (2)

2008-08-02 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實, phrase 有好多種, Noun phrase, prepositional phrase或者 noun phrase內包括有wh-的字, 都係其中不同的款式。
詳情可以參閱以下網址: www.usingenglish.com/glossary/noun-phrase.html

Noun phrase
簡單來講, 一個做到noun 功能的phrase就係noun phrase, 這個可以係 noun/ pronoun 單字一個, 或者一組字, 而它們構成一句句子中的subject或 object。

John was late.
('John' 係 noun phrase, 它的功能係做 verb 的 subject.)

The people that I saw coming in the building at nine o'clock have just left.

('The people ... nine o'clock' 就係一句較長的noun phrase, 但它的功能係作為 main verb'have just left' 的subject.)

Prepositional phrase 係由 preposition 和它的 complement所組成:

She left early in order to get to the bank.
(to the bank就係prepositional phrase)

noun phrase內包括有wh-的字The meal box which John brings to school everyday is prepared by his mum.

在此情況, Noun phrase係由短的Noun phrase “The meal box” 和 relative clause “which John brings to school everyday” 所組成。”The meal box … everyday” 係此句子的 subject 。 另外, his mum亦都係Noun phrase , 它是此句子中的 object。
2008-08-01 2:19 pm
noun phrase係名詞短語,即係話以名詞(noun)作為中心,再加另一個詞性的詞語作為修飾語(modifier)的短語。
簡單講,即係名詞+ 修飾語 = 名詞短語
e.g. boy + a = a boy

1. articles (the, a) e.g. a boy
2. demonstratives (this, that) e.g. this boy
3. numerals (two, five) e.g. five boys
4. possessives (my, their) e.g. my boy
5. quantifiers (some, many) e.g. some boys
6. adjectives (red, good) e.g. good boy
7. complements, in the form of a prepositional phrase
e.g. boys of ABC School
8. clauses eg the ball that is on the playground


我估你意思係指7. prepositional phrase
boys | of ABC School |

boys (名詞) + of ABC School (介詞短語) = 名詞短語

這是以of ABC School 作為修飾語來修飾 boys呢個中心名詞。
指明係咩boys。係 ABC School 的boys。

另外,"wh" word+一句野又冇verb 應該指呢種:
The boy who plays football.
boy(名詞) + who plays football (relative clause) = noun phrase


2008-08-01 06:25:18 補充:
修正第一句:再加另一個詞性的詞語作為修飾語 x
應為:再加另一個詞語作為修飾語 :)
參考: Wikipedia

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