what is the easiest way to do this problem?

2008-07-31 12:07 pm
what is the easiest way to do this problem 3 divide by 249

回答 (7)

2008-07-31 12:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i guess the easiest way of doing this problem is by CALCULATOR and i think it is not a difficult one as i think just divide it in your mind and the answer comes 83

Try it !!!
2008-07-31 7:38 pm
Reduce to lowest terms:
= 3/249 divide both the numerator and denominator by 3
= (3/3)/(249/3) simplify
= 1/83

Answer: 1/83
2008-07-31 7:39 pm
yeah;Doctor Q knows that 249 is divisible by 3 so the question is how can you tell that a number is divisible by 3 or 9?add up the digits(forming what is called the reduced sum) ,for a fairly short number, as in 249, you will know the original number is divisible by 3 or nine if the reduced sum is (eg.2+4+9 =15,and since 15 is divisible by 3 then so is 249).If the number is very long you can continue to reduce the reduced sum as much as you like and still, if the reduced reduced sum is divisible by 3 or 9 then so is the original unreduced number.Example the number 9733728024,ading the digits gives the first reduced sum as 45;you probably recognise that 45 ic divisible bby 3 ad nine,but if you did not you add the digits of 45 to give the second reduced sum as 9 and that sorts it out.
2008-07-31 7:22 pm
= (3/3)/(249/3) (<= simplifiy)
= 1/83
= 0.01204819277108433...
= 0.012 (approx.)
2008-07-31 7:10 pm
3 / 249, so first we divide both numbers by 3.

1 / 83, this is the answer as a fraction.

As a decimal, 1/83 = 0.0120481927 (to 10dp)
2008-07-31 7:10 pm
2008-07-31 7:09 pm
on a calculator or else wirte 3 as 3.00000 and use long division

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