how to get my ex back after 1 year

2008-08-01 7:12 am
i am studing in uk and met my 1st girlfriend there. we been together for 9 months..we love eachother alot and alot, we been in the same school and lived togther. but next year she is moving to university in the same country but 9 hours away from me. so..i broke up with her....we both got really upset. and i got really regret. so. i try to ask her to become my girlfriend again. but she reject me and said she think tht it is the best to do it now coz it will be harder in long run......then i ask her, if i can get in the same university with you...can we get bk together. she said there is always a possibility, but it will be a year time and things would have change, she also said she is really looking forward to university and she want a new experience there.
but about 1 week ago. i send her a message and say i still really miss you, and said if i can get in the the same university. then we can be close again...then she got really annoyed and said: JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, I AM GETTING ANNOYED, SO ITS BEST FOR US TO NOT TALK FOR A WHILE.
what should i do now....and wht should i do next year if i can really get in the same universtiy with her!!!!!! please help... xXx

回答 (3)

2008-08-01 12:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Your breaking up with her before she moved to another place was already a black signal to your relationship. I do not eliminate the possibility that she felt as sad as you when you two broke up. But her reply to you when you asked her to be your girl friend again already showed that she has not much interest in keeping such relationship with you. She said it was the best time or else it will be harder in the long run. This statement already implied that she had the intention to break up with you. If not she will not say it would be even harder to do it in the long run. If you really love somebody you will not care the one year waiting period and you will not even think of breaking the relationship in the long run ! When you mentioned that you would try to change to her university her answer was even clearer – she thought that one year can change a lot of things. If she still loves you at that moment, she would not say that. At the time she was speaking to you she has already determined that she would start fresh in the university and get new experience. It may not be love affair. It can only be her eagerness to turn to a new page of her life.
Her last conversation with you left no choice to both of you. She has decided to leave you and she did not want to talk to you anymore.
Hey man, there’s nothing you can do on the relationship with her. I suggest you to think about your own future and do not hang yourself by one tree. You have to consider whether her university is good for you. She should not be one of the factors in your consideration. You have to forget her and look back at yourself. See what is the best for your own self. She’s gone. Keep the good memory in your heart. At least you had a good time with her. As for the future, you’ve got to find your way out ! Good luck !
參考: Myself
2008-08-01 8:28 pm
Having read your story, you said you broke up with her, then, who was the one to initiate the case? In case it is initiated by you, you have to pay more effort for the remedy. I think a distance travelling for 9 hours is not too far if two lovers really have the heart towards each other.
For the time being, you are in the passive position. You better listen to her not to enroll into the same Uni as her. However, you should try to make her feel warm by sending her one message each day, no matter what content it is, just let her know that you are still care about her, or sometime let her know what you are doing currently. This is a soft approach.....please keep on doing it for at least 3 months or more, in case she does have replied you, you still have the chance to launch your second attempt to enroll into the same univesity as her. Otherwise, you better put a full stop to this story.....

2008-08-01 12:35:56 補充: tele-conversation or online chatting for the first three months...except SMS or is an important stategy to make yourself back to active position if she can help calling you......

2008-08-01 12:37:42 補充:
can't help calling
2008-08-01 4:09 pm
that is the excuse to leave you - forget her. she won't be come back anymore.
參考: me

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