我有幾題 maths 的題目(升中一)(20點)

2008-08-01 6:46 am
第一題(-3)+(-2)-(-4)+(-1)=A.-10 B.-8 C.-2 D.0

第二題(-2)(-3)(+4)-(-5)(-6)=A.-6 B.6 C.24 D.56


回答 (2)

2008-08-01 7:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) (-3) (-2)-(-4) (-1)
=-3-2 4-1 ......to remove the bracket first, e.g. &- become -, i.e. minus

2) (-2)(-3)( 4) - (-5)(-6)
= (24) - (30)......Bracket& bracket ( ) ( ) means mutiplying.
= -6

3) (-4)(-6) - (-5)(-6)
(-5)( 2) - (-2)
= (24) - (30)
(-10) 2
= -6/-8

Explanation: ( )( )---It means multiplying with each other.
for e.g. (-1)(-2) = 2
e.g.(-1)(2) =-2
e.e. (2)(2) =4
Explanation: e.g (-1)-(-2) = -1 2 =1
e.g. (-1-2) - (2-3) = (-3)-(-1) = -3 1 = -2
because - & - means plus
because - & + means minus
because + & + means plus

2008-07-31 23:49:19 補充:
Due to something wrong with the computer system, please note that the 1st question is as follows:

2008-07-31 23:52:27 補充:
Due to something wrong with the computer system, please note that the 3rd question for the 2nd
part is as follows:

= (24) -(30)
(-10) + 2

2008-08-01 00:00:04 補充:
Due to something wrong with the computer system, please note the the 2nd explnation(at the
bottom part) should be read as follows:

e.g. (-1)-(-2)=-1+2 =1
e.g. (-1-2)-(2-3)= (-3)- (-1) = -3 + 1 = -2
2008-08-01 10:25 pm
= -3-2+4-1
= 0
答案係 D

= 24 - 30
= -6
答案係 A

= -6/-8
= 3/4 (因為負負得正 ~ 同埋約簡)

2008-08-01 14:27:34 補充:
SORRY ~ 第1題打錯左 ~
答案係等於 -2 (C)
因為 -3-2 = -5
-5+4 = -1
-1-1 = -2 ~
參考: 自己計

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