原本 fail 1AL (我讀 2AL +1AS), 冇offer.
Appeal 成功後 E, CLC updrade 到 D, 變成:
CE: 17分 (Eng A)
朋友advice我A1博一博,但A2,A3 要safe...但其實我好唔 sure咁擺 safe唔safe. 我有check過往年的grade, 但係好唔安心, 有di choice 又唔知今年收成點...可以的話有好di的degree offer 當然是好, 但最重要的係有 degree offer. 以下係我 so far 的頭7個的次序:
1. HKU 6066 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education in Language
2. HKBU 2022 English Language & Literature
3. POLY 3399 English Studies for the Professions
4. CITYU 1250 English for Professional Communication
5. HKBU 2735 Gov and International Studies
6. HKBU 2931 BSSc Sociology and BEd (hons) Liberal Studies Teaching
7. HKBU 2711 European Studies -German
*1. 6066 有冇機會? 值唔值得博?
*2. 2022 穩唔穩? 我的成績高唔高機會入到?
*3. 3399 is new, 又唔知今年收成點,所以唔知safe唔safe
以下係我好唔sure的choice, 所以唔敢擺係前:
- CUHK 4032 English
- JOINT J002 Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and
Bachelor of Education
- HKBU 2864 BA (Hons) English Language & Literature and
BEd (hons) English
- CITYU 1274 Policy Studies and Admin
- HKBU 2709 European Studies -French
*My friend advice 我放 CUHK English 係 A1, 但我CE得17, 所以 唔敢擺, 擺 6066 instead.
* J002 唔知今年收成點, 完全唔知發生 mud 野事...
Rest of my choice (但唔想讀):
-CITYU 1298 BSocSc (Hons) Psychology
-CITYU 1236 BA (Hons) Linguistics and Language Technology
-CITYU 1315 Applied Sociology
-CITYU 1303 Social Work
-LU 7400 Social Sciences
-LU 7307 Business Admin
-LU 7503 Bachelor of Arts in Contemporary English Studies
Many questions...唔好意思呀! 真係唔想 retake... 煩請各位俾di 意見, 感激不盡!!!