翻譯英文, 請高手救救我…急

2008-08-01 12:38 am
「必須在開船後的七日內完成系統輸入」<-- 英文點講

回答 (5)

2008-08-01 7:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「必須在開船後的七日內完成系統輸入」<-- 英文點講
System setup must be completed within 7 days upon the vessel's departure.
2008-08-01 11:27 am
必須在開船後的七日內完成系統輸入 :
The entry onto the system must be finished within seven days upon the departure of the boat.
參考: Myself
2008-08-01 1:03 am
Must complete the system input in setting sail seventh
2008-08-01 12:49 am
Must complete the system in setting sail seventh to lose
2008-08-01 12:47 am
All details must be entered into the system within 7 days of the beginning of shipping.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:53:18
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