
2008-08-01 12:32 am
Tom is to visit her grandfather next sunday in Taiwan,he can't attend the
English class on monday.

Tom is used to drinking coffee when he feels tried

回答 (5)

2008-08-01 11:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tom is to visit her grandfather next sunday in Taiwan,he can't attend the
English class on monday. - Please change to :
Tom is going to Taiwan next Sunday to visit his grandfather, therefore he will not be able to attend the English class every Monday until he returns.

Tom is used to drinking coffee when he feels tried. - This sentence has no problem.
參考: Myself
2008-08-01 1:02 am

2008-08-01 12:41 am
Tom can not attend the English class on monday because he have to visit his (是他還是她? 他=his 她=her) grandfather in Taiwan next Sunday.

Tom is used to drinking coffee when he feels tired (口語上沒什麼問題, 意思是"他習慣累時喝咖啡吧"?)
2008-08-01 12:39 am
Tom (is going to/will) visit his grandfather who lives in Taiwan next sunday thus he will not be able to attend the English class on monday

Tom is used to drink coffee when he was tired.

2008-07-31 16:42:31 補充:

Tom會係星期日去Taiwan探佢grandfather, 所以佢星期一會返唔到英國班。


Tom會係星期日去Taiwan探佢grandfather, 但係佢星期一會返唔到英國班。


e.g thus, so that, as a result...

2008-07-31 16:46:14 補充:

Tom will not be able to attend the English class since he is going to visit his grandfather who lives in Taiwan next sunday.


就咁用cannot同 in Taiwan next Sunday =]

2008-08-03 17:58:34 補充:
RE 005既答案


Tom會係星期日去Taiwan探佢grandfather, 所以佢星期一會返唔到英國班。

冇講過佢會個個星期一都唔返, 直至佢返黎wo=]
2008-08-01 12:37 am
tom is going to visit his grandfather next Sunday in Taiwan, but he can't attend the English class on Monday.

Tom used to drink coffee when he feels tired.

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