如果你發現你的大 哥是同志, 你會如何面對 ?

2008-07-31 10:07 pm
I have a friend who is gay,he is worrying the accept ion of his little brother

回答 (2)

2008-07-31 10:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Nowadays being a gay or lesbian is not a serious problem. If your friend is sure of his sexual desire – this has to be really careful because somebody may just find it fun or do it out of curiosity, they may not have the desire to be another sex – then he should talk to his brother (in Chinese you said big brother while in English you said little brother), you have to clarify this with your friend because the way of handling is different.
For a big brother, your friend can use a subtle way to ask him on his opinion about gay people. If the big brother did not react angrily, then your friend should tell him the truth and most importantly, tell him why your friend has this feeling. The big brother may take some time to accept the fact, but I think if he is not that kind of traditional big brother, he will finally understand and support your friend’s decision. In between you can ask your friend to bring some male friends to his home, without telling the big brother who is his gay friend. Then after all friends have left, ask the big brother’s opinion on all these friends. This can show the big brother that a gay person has no difference than a normal person.
If it is a little brother, then it really depends on how little he is. Is he old enough to understand 1 – love, 2 – normal relationship. 3 – gay.
If he is too little to fully understand all these, then better not to let him know anything. If he is old and mature enough to understand all these, then do the gathering part first. Afterwards talk to the little brother and explain the situation. Be careful, children are more easily get hurt and fragile to such kind of unusual relationship. They want to conform with their peers and they will feel shameful on any violation on the rules of the norm his is belonging to.
Good luck to your friend !
參考: Myself
2010-03-19 11:07 pm


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