英文作文(About 100 words)

2008-07-31 6:58 pm
You are Chris Wong, a secondary five student. You would like to enter the essay competition advertised in the poster below:
Write about 100 words

Music in HK
Win a chance to experience as a DJ in your own music programme. All you have to do is figure out an idea for your show.
Music HK is planning to recruit potential DJs to host a music programme. The programme will be for youngsters aged between 16-20.

Write to us, making sure you tell us:
1.The type of music programme you have interest.
2.The reasons why you think it would attract teenagers, and
3.What kinds of activities you could do in the programme.

Email your essay to [email protected]. Entry deadline: Moday, 1st September, 2008.

回答 (2)

2008-08-10 6:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
After I came to Australia, I was surprised by how different the music education can be. In HK, music is something that is “restricted” to the students who are involved in the ensembles (choir, orchestra, band etc) and/or study CE/ AL music... But it is a completely different story here as music is actually promoted to the wider school community. (or maybe it is just my school... I’m not sure) There is an instrumental program that begins in Primary 1 with strings and then it broadens to incorporate woodwind, brass and percussion so the kids have an experience in making and enjoying music. We are also taken to concerts regularly which teaches us to appreciate others’ performances and learn about different styles of music but that hardly happens in HK. I think performance opportunity is a rarity in HK. Here, big and small concerts of all sorts are organised so students can perform different styles of music in different environments.

Maybe it is also because in HK, when you speak of music, people immediately think of Canto pop, which is everywhere on the radio, tv etc. Comparatively, classical music is not as easily accessible. I think popular music has a more definite place in the hearts of people so it is rather difficult for the education system to make classical music appealing to students.
2008-08-09 7:31 pm
Do it by yourself.

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