Organic Chem problem help !!!!!

2008-07-31 12:50 pm
Why during the dehydration of secondary alcholo, in my case cyclehexanol, at 140c ether is the domination product but at 180 cyclehexen is the major
product? what's the theory behind this? thanx.

回答 (1)

2008-08-02 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
well, in organic reactions, side reactions always happen.

I think it is related to thermodynamics , the Gibbs energy that determine
the dominant product.

at 140c it is intermolecular dehydration
at 180c it is intramolecular dehydration

basically intramolecular dehydration involves greater bond changing, and
conversion from alcohol to alkene requires higher activation energy,
thus it dominates at higher temperature.

intermolecular dehydration: ROH + ROH --> ROR + H2O

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