Salt VS Sugar

2008-07-31 7:45 am
我想問下鹽& 糖點分嫁?


1. 加conc. H2SO4 --> 糖會有reactions 變charcoal, 鹽無reactions
2. test for pH, 但會結果唔會理想, 因兩者pH 分別不太大
3. 最傻既一招, 試下味..

咁除左以上所list 既方法外, 仲有無其他呀??

回答 (4)

2008-07-31 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Dissole the sample in distilled water and test if the solution can conduct electricity or not.If yes,it is salt .If not, it is sugar
2.Add AgNO3 solution to the salt and sugar solution. If the solution is salt(NaCl)white precipate(AgCl) can be found in the solution while no observable change for the sugar solution
2008-08-01 3:00 am
鹽有Na ions...利用flame test分就ok
放d鹽在non-luminous flame上燒,佢會出Golden Yellow Flame
參考: 自己
2008-07-31 9:29 am
1.如果電解 濃鹽水 會產生氯氣 , 糖則不會

2.生物方法:糖可以"野"蟻 但係鹽唔會
參考: by myself
2008-07-31 8:00 am
其實用肉眼都可以分得出鹽& 糖 ,
鹽望落去比較幼同細粒 而且糖望落去好似有d閃令令咁
參考: 自己

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