✔ 最佳答案
19 century's ends, the Meiji Japan government obtains first overseas
colony Taiwan, symbolizes in the Japanese history to succeed for the
first time expands the overseaspossession and territory, and for a
succession of will annex the overseaspossession and territory to lay
the foundation in the future; Furthermore, took the first East Asian
modern times colonial empire, Japan gets rid of its millennium to
submit to China competes to North Korea's position, rearranges East
Asian the international relational order, simultaneously the Meiji
government also can not but face the western world the superiority
race discusses the tense feeling which triggers with the progress. As
early as in front of Meiji Restoration front, still is in modern
society's Japan already faced with the national reforming major issue,
to Meiji Restoration time, because as well as has the feeling to the
western world invasion to the Western Europe modern times civilization
might/charm/charm, how regarding should the strain as well as the
policy making, enable Japan to have the opportunity to be able to
crowd forest of the life experience powerful nation, was question
which the important political figure together thought deeply about at
that time, in these ponders, colonized, expands the territory, as well
as the national self-respect establishment, was the most important
subject which opinion thought. Therefore, Japan although governs
policy of the Taiwan by the colonialism in assimilation policy
achievement, in fact, "assimilation policy" the definition and the
execution and so on, actually often along with the time background,
the world colonize the ideological trend, colonizes scientific theory
or principle of cognition, the colony scene the female country
standpoint, the colonial policy scholar carries out the bureaucrat to
ponder the angle, the ruler and the ruled formidable relations and so
on has the complex variation.