關於natural hazard & global warming ge 新聞

2008-07-31 5:21 am
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2008-07-31 9:36 pm
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Global Warming's Fish-Sex Effect
You may have missed it in biology class, but in some finned species, like the Atlantic silverside — as well as in many reptiles — sex is determined not by genetics but by temperature: the undifferentiated embryo develops testes or ovaries on the basis of whichever option conveys evolutionary advantages for that particular environment. Now, in a study published in the July 30 edition of the scientific journal Public Library of Science, Natalia Ospina-Alvarez and Francesc Piferrer have gone a little further in explaining how that mechanism works. In laboratory tests, they have demonstrated that higher water temperatures result in more male fish.

Massachusetts House Unanimously Passes Global Warming Solutions Act! It's Getting Hot In Here
... today the Massachusetts House of Representatives passed the Massachusetts Global Warming Solutions Act (for the hardcore legislative fans out there, ...

Mass. House approves bill to curb greenhouse gases
By AP BOSTON - House lawmakers raced to approve a pair of bills designed to help slow global warming and increase the number of so-called "green jobs" in ...

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