Translation of the following paragraph?

2008-07-31 1:37 am
From South China Morning Post

Jonhn Ap, ..., said Disneyland's special deal raised questions about a level playing field. "Adopting a cynical approach, you can say something is fishy here."

Please also help me to understand Consultation on a possible sex offenders register was launched by the Law Reform Commission yesterday in an effort to fast track interim measures to protect childen from repeat child molesters

回答 (1)

2008-07-31 2:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
John Ap 稱迪士尼樂園的特別交易引起了競爭是否公平的疑問。
(Although 乜野?冇的話冇得譯架喎...)
(fishy 係口語,有可疑之意)

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