
2008-07-30 11:57 pm


1)Which festival is celebrated in the last month of the year?_____

2)Which festival is mainly celebrated by Chinese?_____

3)Which festival is more important to dating couples?_____

4)Which festival involves scary animals and characters?_____

5)Which festival is more important to religious people?_____

6)Which festival is based on the lunar calendar?_____

7)Which festival is symbolized by the colours of orange and black?____

回答 (3)

2008-08-04 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)Which festival is celebrated in the last month of the year? >> B=聖誕節
2)Which festival is mainly celebrated by Chinese? >> C=中秋節
3)Which festival is more important to dating couples? >> A=情人節
4)Which festival involves scary animals and characters? >> D=萬聖節
5)Which festival is more important to religious people? >> B=聖誕節
6)Which festival is based on the lunar calendar? >> C=中秋節
7)Which festival is symbolized by the colours of orange and black? >> D=萬聖節

A=情人節 >>
情人節又名聖華倫泰節(英語:St. Valentine's Day),在每年的2月14日,是西方的傳統節日之一。男女在這一天互送巧克力、賀卡和花,用以表達愛意或友好。這節日原來紀念兩位同是名叫華倫泰的基督宗教初期教會殉道聖人。
B=聖誕節 >>
聖誕節,亦作主聖誕日,在台灣也稱作耶誕節,是教會年曆的一個傳統節日,它是基督徒慶祝耶穌基督誕生的慶祝日。在聖誕節,大部分的天主教教堂都會先在12月24日的平安夜,正確來說是在12月25日凌晨舉行子夜彌撒, 而基督教就舉行平安夜禮拜,然後在12月25日慶祝聖誕節;而基督教的另一大分支, 也可以說是天主教的姊妹教東正教的聖誕節慶祝則在每年的1月7日。根據天主教的福音書,耶穌是伯利恆的聖母瑪利亞受聖靈感孕後生下的,瑪利亞和丈夫約瑟當時正在去羅馬人口普查註冊的路上。耶穌的出生在信徒看來是猶太教預言中的默西亞將要到來計劃的實現,因為伯利恆是約瑟祖先大衛一族的家。聖誕節也是西方世界以及其他很多地區的公共假日,例如:在亞洲的香港、馬來西亞和新加坡。但耶穌確切的出生日期是存在爭議的。
C=中秋節 >>
中秋節 起源於中國,是東亞民間的一個傳統節日,為每年農曆的八月十五。中秋節不單單是華人的節慶,受中華文化的影響,中秋節也是日本、越南、朝鮮半島等地的傳統節日。按照中國的農曆,八月為秋季的第二個月,古時稱為仲秋,因此民間稱為中秋,又稱秋夕、八月節、八月半、月夕、月節,又因為這一天月亮滿圓,象徵團圓,又稱為團圓節。
D=萬聖節 >>
萬聖節前夕(Halloween)在每年的10月31日,是英語世界的傳統節日,主要流行於北美、不列顛群島、澳洲和新西蘭。當晚小孩會穿上化妝服,戴上面具,挨家挨戶收集榶果。華語地區常將萬聖夜誤稱為萬聖節。萬聖夜英文稱之Halloween,為All Hallow Eve的縮寫,是指萬聖節(All Hallow's Day)的前夜,類似於平安夜被稱為Christmas Eve。Hallow來源於中古英語halwen,與holy詞源很接近,在蘇格蘭和加拿大的某些區域,萬聖節仍然被稱為All Hallow Mas,意思是在紀念所有的聖人(Hallow)那一天,要舉行的彌撒儀式(Mass)。萬聖夜通常與靈異的事物聯繫起來。歐洲傳統上認為萬聖節是鬼魂世界最接近人間的時間,這傳說與中國的盂蘭節類似。美國明尼蘇達州的Anoka號稱是「世界萬聖節之都」,每年都舉行大型的巡遊慶祝。
參考: 自己, Wikipedia
2008-07-31 12:13 am

1)Which festival is celebrated in the last month of the year?( B)

2)Which festival is mainly celebrated by Chinese? (C)

3)Which festival is more important to dating couples?( A)

4)Which festival involves scary animals and characters?( D)

5)Which festival is more important to religious people?(B)

6)Which festival is based on the lunar calendar? (C)

7)Which festival is symbolized by the colours of orange and black?(D)
參考: me
2008-07-30 11:59 pm
1)Which festival is celebrated in the last month of the year?__B=聖誕節___

2)Which festival is mainly celebrated by Chinese?___C=中秋節__

3)Which festival is more important to dating couples?__A=情人節___

4)Which festival involves scary animals and characters?__D=萬聖節___

5)Which festival is more important to religious people?__B=聖誕節___

6)Which festival is based on the lunar calendar?__C=中秋節___

7)Which festival is symbolized by the colours of orange and black?__D=萬聖節

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