F.3,,find the percentage change.

2008-07-30 11:19 pm
James can get a certain amount as reward for each contract he made. If the number of contracts he made on each day increases from 5 to 8, but the reward for each contract decreases by 20%, find the percentage change pf his income on each day.

回答 (1)

2008-07-31 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let reward for each contract be R.
Original reward = 5R.
New reward = 8R(1-20%) = 8R(0.8) = 6.4R.
Therefore, % change in income = (6.4R-5R)/5R = 1.4R/5R = 0.28= 28%.
That is income increases 28%.

2008-08-03 21:43:26 補充:
You can do it the way you stated.

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