
2008-07-30 9:48 pm
我最崇拜的音樂家係貝多芬 , 因為我覺得佢所作的歌好觸動心弦 , 其中一首佢所作我最鍾意 ge 歌係"moonlight sonata" , 依首歌係貝多芬以皎潔的月光為題,即興彈奏的一首歌。雖然作曲的背景係好詩情畫意,可是我覺得柔美的旋律後,有一種憂傷壓抑的感覺,好像貝多芬心中有千言萬語,卻說不出口.依首歌好觸到到我心弦 , 我好鍾意。同埋我好欣賞貝多芬係一個飲水思源的人, 佢冇忘記老師海頓的教誨.而且仲送左多首作品俾恩師,依一點, 真係好令我欣賞佢!

以上係我 interview 要講 ge 說話 . 我想講得比較有禮貌同客氣 d ... 唔該晒呀!!

回答 (3)

2008-07-30 10:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The musician who i respect most is Beethoven. The main reason is the songs he composed were touching. Especially the song "moonlight sonata", which i love most. This song uses the moon as the main theme, and the song was comoposed just as he saw the moon. The background and idea of this song was romantic and poetic on the surface, but I felt there is a sad feeling hiding behind the beautiful melody, which I interpret that Beethoven was deeply troubled with something, but he could not express them with words. This song strikes my heart as i was listening to it, i feel like I am communicating with Beethoven through this piece of music, this made me more fond of this song. Moreover, Beethoven had never forget his teacher's teaching, and even gave many of his works to his teacher, which made him a perfect role model of a student. From his pattitude to teacher, from the work he composed, he made me respect him by heart.
2008-07-30 10:52 pm
好心啦...文法, 語句, 用字都好多野錯...好明顯係聰明筆或者翻譯網頁嘅出品...唉...
呢d都係英文? 善哉善哉!
2008-07-30 10:08 pm
I most worship the musician is Beethoven, because I thought he does the song good touches the heartstrings, he makes the song which I most likes is
"moonlight sonata", this first song is Beethoven take the bright moonlight as a topic, extemporaneously to pluck a song. Although composes music the
background is good is rich in poetic and artistic flavor, after but I thought the gently beautiful melody, some one kind sadly constrains the feeling, looks like in the Beethoven heart to have the countless words, actually said does not export This first song good touches to my heartstrings, I good like. Good appreciates
Beethoven with me is the person which remembers the source of one's
happiness, he has not forgotten the Mr. Haydn's instruction Moreover also
delivers many first works to give the kind teacher, this one, really is good
makes me to appreciate him!


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