HDMI performance on DVD player EPISODE TWO

2008-07-30 8:04 pm
Wow! thanks for your very long reply indeed!
I feel ashamed for giving you just 5 scores~:P

well, actually my 5.1 has component in x 1 (empty) and optical in x 2 (one connected to tv, the other to ps2... so no more...:'( thats y i'm askin'...) and red/white x 1 (connected to computer sometimes)
btw, can you tell me what type of sound qualities there are ascendingly? I used to think dolby digital is already the best... well... at least the best for an average person like me~:P and what is there better than optical cable for sound delivery?

no ar no ar, my tv only has 3 HDMI in jar i think...

So after all, you think it's not worth it to specifically choose a dvd player with HDMI whilst I can get one with component cheaper, as HDMI & component doesn't differ much, right?
BUT this is only the case if the DVD player provides res-upscale to 1080?
and thus for better picture, i can only go either i) HDMI capable dvd player connected using HDMI; or ii) HDMI capable dvd player connected using component, whilst the quality is still bad if i'm using a no-HDMI dvd player even if I connect with conponent?

and you think it's a bad idea to take indirectly from DVD ~> HDMI cable ~> tv ~> optical cable ~> 5.1 right?

Hmm... a lil confused by the 2) part...@@"
*btw, one thing i wanna point out though is, some of the dvd players (even they have HDMI port) does not upscale to 1080... thats what i think i know to be true...

2) 畫面方面,用HDMI最大好處係可以將DVD增線.不過其實呢個線路Plasma本身都有的,所以你俾甚麼訊號佢佢都一定要先做像素轉換
<~are you sayin' i dun need an HDMI capable player now? a bit contradicting...= =
*my tv is only HD ready jar...

my tv is samsung Q9 i think... & i was lookin' to get pioneer DV400... but how am i supposed to know 增線器 of which is better... or du think wtever dvd player i get, the fact of hvin' a good tv is enough to squeeze pixels out of dvd?...@@"

& btw again, an off-topic topic: have you heard of a new technology by toshiba sayin' there'll be a new technology that is to squeeze pixels out of the normal dvds?


called HDTV quality DVD Player, to be launched by the end of '08??? wiki it if u dun~ but hmm... maybe it's not a gd timin' to get a dvd player now...-.-'''

回答 (1)

2008-07-30 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.PS2啲game其實冇乜幾多個在玩game時有Dolby Digital,多數都係播片先有,索性PS2插紅白線算數.真係需要時先拔走機頂盒或者DVD機插翻PS2既光纖.DVD機的接駁應該排最先,因為差不多所有電影DVD都有5.1聲道.
依照聲音規格排序,最基本係Dolby Stereo,Dolby Digital較好, DTS又較好,用光纖或者同軸已經足夠,唔駛一定要用HDMI
之後就係Blu-ray先有既Dolby True HD同埋DTS Master Audio, LPCM.高清音效一定要用HDMI轉送
其實Dolby Digital一般來講已經有唔錯效果,DTS規格係好啲,但其實最主要反而係錄音錄得好唔好.

其實Pioneer DV400都唔貴啦.只係千零蚊,已經有1080p增線,就算唔計HDMI增線,視頻解碼都有108 MHz,12bit,而且有得調較畫面,用色差睇都唔會差,再平既機多數冇得較畫面.不過有個問題我睇Samsung網頁睇唔到Q9支唔支援1080p輸入.你或者要睇下說明書.以Q9身價,內部增線線路應該都麻麻,買部有增線DVD機穏陣啲.



2008-07-30 19:13:55 補充:

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