
2008-07-30 7:07 pm


回答 (2)

2008-07-30 8:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
上面嗰位... 翻譯器係翻譯唔到「玩具反斗城」, 「深水埗」的...


Some friends always ask where they could buy dodgy/funny party accessories when they have parties at work. Normally the answers are:
l Toys “R” Us (but it seems relatively expensive)
l Pottinger Street (Stone Slab Street) in Central (although they are normal shops on the street, they are in Central and there are relatively more rich people and foreign people in that area, therefore the prices are even more expensive)
l Wan Chai market (however the shops are small)
l Sham Shui Po



100% self-written By MiChaEL


2008-07-30 7:22 pm
Some friends asked frequently that the company has Party, can buy the strange faction in Hong Kong where to the thing? Usually the answer includes: Toy counter-small city (, but is probably quite expensive), the intermediate belt flagstone street (, although is street 舖 because, but is situated at intermediate belt, foreigner and rich man are quite many, price is more expensive), the Wanzai downtown (, but 舖 thin) and deep water 埗.

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