How to go to 何文田 from Sai Wan Ho?

2008-07-30 5:09 pm
I have to go to 九龍 公主道 105 號 (何文田愛文村油站旁) from Sai Wan Ho.

Do you have any idea how to get there?


回答 (2)

2008-07-30 11:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
西灣海 去 何文田公主道105號香港愛護動物協會九龍中心:

你最好都坐隧巴到紅隧口再轉隧巴, 如下:

106 (黃大仙,$9.8)

103 (竹園村總站,$5.7) 或 113 (彩虹巴士總站, $5.7) 或 170 (沙田鐵路站巴士總站,$9.8 ) 或182 (沙田愉翠苑巴士總站,$9.8 )

- 成安街, 筲箕灣道門牌126號對出
- 太富街, 筲箕灣道門牌54號

下車及轉車站 : 康莊道海底隧道出口

- 公主道嘉輝台

你落車之後, 你可以去站旁的行人天橋過對面街,去到對面你用梯級果邊落(唔好用斜路) 之後向前行, 約10分鐘內你就見到SPCA.

呢個應該係最易同最近的方法, 因你去以MTR在旺角轉27M,你就要係何文田的OPEN UNIVERSITY對面行落車再行返轉頭很遠路的....起碼要行30分鐘先到SPCA!!

2008-07-30 15:27:07 補充:
更正西灣海: 應是西灣河!

2008-07-30 15:35:35 補充:
2008-07-30 5:32 pm
I don't know if you live near to the MTR station. If yes, you can take the MTR to Mongkok MTR station and then go to Exit A, just next to the 工業貿易處, you can find the green van no. 27M ($5.4) or no. 27M (輔助線)($3.4).
Or you can take the MTR to Prince Edward station, and then go to 弼街 near 金魚街. You can see a red van to Hunghom, which will pass Ho Man Tin too. ($3.4)

There are several over-sea bus too. They are No. 109, 113, 170 & 182.
參考: I work in Ho Man Tin

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