...How many pillows do you sleep with...?

2008-07-29 12:14 pm

I use two...but they have gone all thin...i may need to stock up on some fluffy pillows xD

回答 (31)

2008-07-29 12:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
3,two i rest my head on,and the other i cuggle.lol.
2008-07-29 7:32 pm
Counting the ones that breath?
2008-07-29 8:13 pm
LOL two xD!!! and theres like dozens of lil pillows around me too, but then by morning they all end up on the floor xD
2008-07-29 7:26 pm
have one only!!!and itz fluffy enough!!!
2008-07-29 7:25 pm
3 hehehe
2008-07-29 7:24 pm
參考: :)
2008-07-29 7:20 pm
2008-07-29 7:17 pm
2 =]
2008-07-30 6:00 am
ii use 4lol^^
2008-07-30 2:07 am
I sleep with one XD
2008-07-29 10:24 pm
2008-07-29 9:02 pm
6 pillows
2008-07-29 8:19 pm
3 decorative, one in my cuddle, and another one for my head
2008-07-29 7:36 pm
2008-07-29 7:24 pm
2008-07-29 7:23 pm
One big one and two smaller ones. ^-^
2008-07-29 7:22 pm
2,gotta be feathers too
2008-07-29 7:21 pm
Two, one below my head and one beside me(which will be lying down the bed the next morning lol..!)'
參考: *~HaVe FuN~*
2008-07-29 7:21 pm
2008-07-29 7:21 pm
two! :p
2008-07-29 7:20 pm

2 is always uncomfortable, but if there was 1 pillow that was as big as 2, i wouldn't find it uncomfortable.

You?! =]
2008-07-29 7:20 pm
2008-07-29 7:20 pm
5, plus 2 throw pillows. I love my pillows.
2008-07-29 7:19 pm
like 5=]
2008-07-29 7:18 pm
one for my head and 3 for my feet
2008-07-29 7:18 pm
The question how many pillows do you sleep with =D ?
2008-07-29 7:18 pm
2008-07-29 7:18 pm
i have two stuffed into one pillow case - soooo comfy !!
2008-07-29 7:18 pm
2 pillows and 2 cusions comfuy
2008-07-29 7:17 pm
one thin one
2008-07-29 12:17 pm

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