HDMI performance on DVD player

2008-07-30 4:42 am
Hi all, I've got a samsung 42" plasma with HDMI and optical out which is connected to a yamaha 5.1 home theater so that I get surround while watchin' HD tv
and now, i'm thinkin' of buyin' a DVD player...

1) I heard that HDMI delivers sound to the tv, but what kind of sound quality is it of? Or is the sound quality from optical out of the dvd player better?

2) I'm also thinkin' about how good HDMI perform on picture quality compared to composite or component on DVDs which does not offer very high quality...
I'm not very much of a video fan, but with my older dvd player, I see slight blur at the edge sometimes, and it is even worse when I play PS2 games!
so I'm thinkin' is it mostly the cable connection that is limiting the picture quality; or is it the disk of being dvd?
in short i mean, will I get a dramatic improvement by using an HDMI?

thanks a lot!

Wow! thanks for your very long reply indeed! I feel ashamed for giving you just 5 scores~:P so... i've made a new post named HDMI performance on DVD player EPISODE TWO~ & i've got more questions to ask u~:P thx!



回答 (1)

2008-07-30 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你有5.1系統又可以接HDMI輸入的話,其實應該將機頂既HDMI接5.1系統,再由5.1系統用HDMI接電視咁就可以用5.1系統出到5.1既聲音(如果電視節目有做的話).其實用光纖都可以,因為HDTV訊號最勁都只係Dolby Digital,光纖是足夠傳送的.
1)有啲DVD機係有HDMI輸出的,最大目的係利用DVD機既內置增線將原本只有480p解像度既DVD訊號用插值方法夾硬升到更高解像度.至於聲音方面則沒有影響,同光纖出既一樣.因為DVD最勁既規格都只係DTS, Dolby Digital.而光纖係可以十足出晒的.但如果係Blu-ray等高清影碟,就一定要HDMI先出到高清規格的聲音.
2)關於畫面方面,上一點已經講咗,用HDMI最大好處係可以將DVD增線.不過其實呢個線路Plasma本身都有的.Plasma唔同舊式顯像管電視,佢係一定要一點一點啱晒面版解像度先可以顯示的,所以你俾甚麼訊號佢佢都一定要先做像素轉換.除非你部Plasma係Full HD 1920 x 1080而你又係播1080i/p既高清訊號,咁就可以點對點顯示,跳過像素轉換呢一部份.
不過咁,HDMI係全數碼傳送,component 或者composite都係模擬轉送,理論上都會好小小.但42吋其實唔係好大,如果唔計增線,HDMI同色差既分別其實好小,composite就一眼就睇得出差好遠.尤甚你指邊位抖動的問題.

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