
2008-07-30 1:41 am
6.面试空姐arm- reach是单手还是双手?
8.空姐面试接受ielts 或tofal 成绩吗?分别是多少分?
9.另可提供一些空姐的blog 吗?

回答 (2)

2008-08-04 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.如果是有人受傷.你要apply first aid.或是緊急降落.你要做evcuation.上training class的時候要學.不過的不能拿到證書(像一張card)證明你可以做到first aid.evcuation.sliding.wet ditching..
2.不需要.因為每個座位都有life jacket.
(208 cm 是為了你可以伸手拿到overhead compartment裡面的救生用品)
參考: 國泰training.
2008-07-31 5:21 am
Medical Emergency: You can do first aid (every FA are trained in First Aid and must hold certificate by organisation like Red Corss or St. John)

Other Emergency : Well, you can't do much except pray, if that is some kind of violence, you and fellow FA need to restrain the passenger in question, so you need to know self defence as well.

***** S/He is asking for interview questions. For medical emergency, FAs will/can only do the first aid. What*s more? watch TVB drama *Triumph in th e Skies*

Other Emergency: This is NON SENSE. you can only solve it case by case.

***** WRONG. At least CX/KA do NOT require swimming.

Well, yes, if you can see without your glasses (Pretty obvious, don't ya think?)
If you require lens, you need to wear them during the whole flight.
***** WRONG CONCEPT. You can choose to wear glasses or contact lens.

New Entrant will only offer Temporary job, they can fire you without pay/compensation (given they give you 14 days notice). Usually you do that for 6 months, then you become permanent, you will then sign contract between 1/2 years (depend on your performance and your job
***** This is NOT temp job, but PROBATION.

6.面试空姐arm- reach是单手还是双手?
How many hand require to close the overhead compartment? One
***** Arm reach is NOT to close the overhead compartment. It is to REACH the emergency equipment in the overhead stowage.

Now, this i don't know.......
***** WRONG CONCEPT. THey only need ARM REACH.

2008-08-02 20:22:53 補充:
2. She did not mention, anywhere, this is an interview situation.
***** This is surely a prep for interview.

In Day 15, you need to pass the Wet Drill....
***** Wet drill does NOT require swimming. you only wear a life jacket. and swimming is NOT stated in CX/KA recruitment advertisemnt. (cf: VS)

2008-08-02 20:23:09 補充:
Or you try to tell me, she go into water to rescue passenger while herself do not know how to swim?
***** in lifejacket. remember swimming is NOT stated/required by CX/KA.

Maybe You HKer called it Probation.
***** This is HONG KONG. forget experience in Oz, SAS etc...

2008-08-02 20:24:38 補充:
Well, this is only one of the example, if you have to say, you can say you need to reach the Top Galley as well, which i believe is the tallest point an FA need to reach.
***** Who cares? BUT reaching the safety equipment is the SOLE purpose of armreach.

2008-08-02 20:24:46 補充:
She ask, how tall are CX hostie these day........
Well, honestly, unless you've interviewed each and everyone of them, you will not know the answer. Or you know how tall are CX hostie?
**** I dun care how tall they are. I only know they can reach 204 (?) cm Armreach is the requirement, NOT height.

2008-08-03 16:28:31 補充:
Since you don't know i am making fun of your attemped answer to a question which have actually no definite answer. I decide not to talk about it anymore
***** Juz keep in mind ARMREACH is the requirement, not height

2008-08-03 16:29:22 補充:
Yes, you're right, Arm Reach are solely for safety procedure, but do you know how many safety procedure are there? As i said, i just list an example, i do not need to list all
***** that*s why they need ARMREACH as a requirement

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